Lumigator Architecture๏ƒ

The diagram below shows the current architecture of Lumigator. The larger containers (Backend, Ray cluster, Mlflow, SQL database, and S3-compatible Storage) are the different services Lumigator relies on:

Lumigator architecture

Lumigator Backend๏ƒ

The components inside the backend are shown in the image below, as is the different abstraction layers the backend itself relies on:

  • The API makes backend functionalities available to the UI through different routes (see: schema code ). Schemas are used in the API which allows one to exactly know which kind of data has to be passed to it.

  • Services implement the actual functionalities and are called by the different methods exposed in the API (see: backend services ).

  • Repositories implement the repository pattern as an abstraction over the SQL database (see: code for repositories ). They make use of record classes to refer to actual records in the database. Currently, the repositories manage the state of the jobs, while the tracking interface manages the state and information about experiments and workflows (and retrieves the info about certain jobs when they are relevant).

  • Tracking implement the tracking interface which is used to log and track the state of experiments and workflows (see: code for tracking ). Currently, Mlflow is the only implementation of the tracking interface, but itโ€™s designed in such a way to support alternative tracking implementations in the future.

Lumigator Backend


In the following, we will refer to paths inside Lumigatorโ€™s repo relative to the /lumigator/backend folder, e.g. the relative path backend/api/routes (note the lack of a trailing slash) will map to the absolute path from the root of the repo /lumigator/backend/backend/api/routes.

Backend Routes๏ƒ

For more information about the backend routes, see the API Specs.